What You Need to Know About Snowboard Sizes

On paper, snowboard sizes look simple. You choose a length that puts the nose of the board roughly between your chin and nose when stood vertically.  When you actually go to buy or rent a board though, you’ll see that size is much more complicated.

We’ve seen enough snowboards come in and out of the ASO Mammoth shop to know that when you buy or rent a snowboard you’re not only investing money, because If your board doesn’t fit you well then you’ll be wasting time dealing with it instead of riding.  To help you make the best investment of your time and money the ASO Mammoth team has put together a quick guide on what you need to know about snowboard sizes. Check it out below!

Length Matters

The classic test of standing the board up and sizing by where the it lands between your nose and chin is well known for a reason, it works. Still, that is not all you need to know about snowboard lengths.

You should also consider the type of riding you want to do when determining the length of your board. For example, a short board is going to be great for freestyle riding as it will be easier to control on a rail, halfpipe, or while in the air. Meanwhile, a longer board will give you more stability at higher speeds while actually riding. Consider your riding style as well as where the board physically stands against you when deciding on a length.

But So Does Weight

How heavy you are matters because it determines how flexible the board is.

The more weight you put on the board the more likely it is to flex, giving you more control to butter and make quick turns even at low speeds. On the other hand, less weight on a board means it will be less responsive but also more stable. Snowboard makers generally figure out what a person should weigh to use their boards as intended and post a weight range on the label, so always check the weight range before you consider a board. While it’s ok if you’re a little above or below the suggested range, consider the effect it may have on how responsive your board is before making a decision.

And Don’t Forget About Boot Size

The size of your boot may seem unrelated to the size of your snowboard, but your board needs to be wide enough to fit your feet.

While each manufacturer and even each board will be different, if you have a large foot (meaning above 10 in women’s and above a 9.5 in men’s) then you’ll need to consider finding a wider board to prevent heel and toe drag. When looking at the width of your board, often called waist width, you shouldn’t try to eliminate all toe and heel overhand though as an inch of overhang in either direction will give you leverage when riding an edge. More so than any of the other factors on this list, the width of your board will be the hardest to get right as boots and boards that are different brands don’t always line up well. Take your time to make sure that your gear fits together well. Even if you buy all your gear from one manufacturer it may not line up well, so make sure everything feels right by either trying your set up out on carpet or demoing gear before you make any decisions.

Are you still worried about choosing the right snowboard size? Come into ASO Mammoth where we are happy to answer all your ski, snowboard, and winter sports questions!

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