If you’re searching for some of California’s best conditions and terrain for all levels, look no further because you're in the right place! Nestled near the Eastern Sierra Mountains, at Mammoth Mountain you’ll find that 1/4 of the runs are geared towards beginners, nearly half accommodate the intermediate level, a little less than 1/4 are deemed expert level and the rest are considered ‘all-around’. With such a wide variety of runs and an average of 400 inches of snow per season, Mammoth Mountain is an exceptional snowboarding destination!
Gear & Rentals
We carry the highest quality selections of snowboard brand names from your favorite manufacturers. If you're in Mammoth and need snowboard gear, stop by and we'll be happy to help you.
Repairs & Waxes
Our group of specialists can help you with any repairs that need to be made to your snowboard or skis.
Snowboard Maps
Get the latest and up to date winter trail maps for skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing in June Lake, Mammoth Mountain, and surrounding areas.
Snowboarding Journal
Read ASO Mammoth snowboard blog posts about snowboarding in and around Mammoth Lakes.

Understanding How Snowboarders Achieve Such High Speeds

The Easiest Trail From Mammoth Mountain’s Summit