Hiking Gear & Accessories
From afternoon nature-walks to ultra-distance thru-hikes, ASO Mammoth has all the hiking gear you need to make the most of your time moseying through the wilderness! Lightweight, comfortable boots designed to soak up the trails' toughest terrain, hydration packs and thermoses to keep the crew kickin', and all the bags, packs, and pockets you need to haul your gear into the wild. Top it all off with the latest activewear so you can spend your hike thriving and not sweating the small stuff.
Mammoth Hiking Guides
Once you've got the essentials covered, ask our friendly staff for favorite hike-boosting accessories, and pick their brains on the best local spots to soak up the splendor. ASO has everything you need to have an epic hiking experience! And if you're not sure where you're headed, our team is happy to share their favorite local hikes based on what you want to see, how hard you want to work, and how long you want to be out on the mountain!

Featured Hiking Brands