Snowboarding is a great sport that will most likely leave you hooked and wanting more. It’s a sport you can take to the deep powder or the parks. If you want to turn into a regular park shark, there are some awesome tricks you can start off with even if you’re just a beginner. It’s important that you don’t push yourself too hard right off the bat. Learning the basic tricks first gives you a strong base for future tricks that are more advanced. The snow sports pros from ASO Mammoth, the premier place for Mammoth snowboard rentals and gear, suggest these five tricks to get you going.
1. 50-50 Grind
A 50-50 grind is a pretty basic grind you should be able to do easily on any box. You shouldn’t try this grind on a rail first, as it will take much more balance. However, if you’re able to simply ride onto a box and pop off at the end, you’ll have learned the 50-50 grind. This is a great place to get started in the parks without feeling too pressured or scared.
2. Straight Air
You’ll want to learn how to straight air over tabletops before you start trying bigger tricks. Learning straight airs will help you figure out how to pump ramps and get enough speed. You’ll also learn how to cushion your landings with the downslope of the tabletop without having to take all the impact with your legs.
3. Riding Switch
When you’re riding a snowboard, you’re either going to be riding goofy or regular, which depends on whether it feels more natural to have your right foot or left foot forward. Regardless of your stance, riding switch is using your opposite foot forward. This is a fun way to have a variation of riding you can put into your tricks later on.
4. 180
Once you’ve learned how to straight air a tabletop, you can start to learn to spin. A 180 spin is a half-turn you do in the air. You’ll need to learn how to ride switch before attempting this trick, as you’ll essentially be landing backward. You can learn 180s easily on the ground or off small drops before you take them to the big jumps.
5. Nose Press
Once you’ve mastered the 50-50 grind, you can learn how to nose press by shifting your balance on your board, which is done when the back of your board is lifted and you’re still doing a 50-50 grind. This trick will take some practice so you don’t fall over your board.
These are some basic tricks you can learn to master even if you’re a beginner. Make sure you aren’t pushing it too hard too fast at first. You need to go at your own pace and stay safe.
If you need more snowboarding tips, rentals, or gear before you hit the mountain, call or stop by ASO Mammoth. Our mission is simple: to give our customers the best possible experience. Whether you need to register a tour or you’re looking for the best place for snowboard rentals in Mammoth, our expertly trained employees and technicians can help you with everything you need for an unforgettable adventure. When you’re in Mammoth, drop in to see us, or give us a call at 760-965-3444.