Whether you’re skiing or snowboarding, snow-packed hills can be a bit intimidating. If you’re new to either one of these activities, it’s only natural to have some fears or concerns as you prepare to tackle fresh powder. It should be noted that even more advanced winter activity enthusiasts sometimes have issues with fear now and then. Regardless of your skill level, here are some tips to help you overcome fear on the slopes.
Be Realistic
Confidence is a good way to overcome fear. This is why you’ll be much better off by choosing terrain that fits your present skill level. If you’re a new skier, don’t take on hills with more twists and turns than you can handle. Instead, be realistic and opt for terrain that allows you to:
• Gain more confidence
• Safely practice moves and techniques
• Learn from your mistakes without too much concern about serious injuries
Go Slow & Steady
“Okay, I’m going to take a deep breath and just hope for the best.” This is not an approach to tackling snow-capped terrain that’s going to do anything to ease your fears. You’ll be in a better position to overcome your fears if you take it slow and steady instead. What this means with skiing or snowboarding is remembering to:
• Go to the next logical step up with terrain instead of skipping ahead to more advanced terrain
• Focus on improving your form and technique before tackling something more challenging
• Introduce yourself to new skills one at a time in a slow, progressive way
Don’t Give in to Peer Pressure
Humans are social creatures. Therefore, it may be tempting to take on terrain you’re not comfortable with at the urging of friends who are more skilled than you are right now. One solution is to go to an area you know is designed for your skill level. This way, it’ll be easier to talk your friends out of getting back on the lift to move to another area you’re not comfortable with yet. You could also simply agree to break away so everybody with you can do their own thing and meet up again afterward.
Take Lessons
Another effective way to overcome fears involving activities on snow-covered terrain is to take lessons. Even if you’re at the intermediate or advanced level, you can still benefit from lessons. The lessons available at places like Mammoth Mountain can be tailored to your specific goals and current level of experience.
If you’re just getting started with snow sports and don’t have your own equipment, look for a high-quality shop close to the slopes where you can find snowboard and ski rental. Mammoth novices can get an extra boost of confidence from having experts help them find the best-fitting skis, snowboards, boots, and bindings.
Take a Break to Regain Your Focus
If you find yourself getting overwhelmed or losing your focus, take a break to breathe, relax, and regain your focus. If the problem is the terrain you’re on, go to a less challenging area when you get back to skiing or snowboarding. Doing so also gives you a chance to practice more and regain your confidence.
If you’re about to hit the slopes for the first time, you can allay your fears by following good safety practices and making sure to start with high-quality equipment that’s fitted properly. ASO Mammoth is the place to go for Mammoth Mountain ski rentals, snowboard rentals, and tips from snow sports experts. We have everything you need to make your time on the slopes a memory to treasure. Drop in or give us a call at 760-965-3444.