What You Should Know When You Fish at Mammoth Lakes

The Mammoth Lakes area is home to an assortment of beautiful and thriving lakes and streams, many of which are absolutely perfect for fishing. What’s great about fishing here is that you don’t have to be a seasoned angler to have a memorable experience. Here are some dos and don’ts of fishing at Mammoth Lakes you should be aware of before you cast your line, brought to you by the friendly folks at ASO Mammoth, your year-round one-stop shop for everything from fishing equipment and licenses to Mammoth bike rentals.

Do: Get Your License

To fish in the Mammoth Lakes area, you’ll need a sport fishing license. Most visitors opt for either a one-day or two-day license. Residential and non-residential versions are available, as are annual licenses. Visit the California Department of Fish and Wildlife website to find out where licenses can be obtained.

Don’t: Stick to One Spot

Nestled within the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Convict Lake is a popular Mammoth-area fishing spot for less experienced anglers because of its selfie-worthy views. However, spots like this can get crowded, so it’s a good idea to do some research ahead of time to find other lakes that may appeal to you. If you’ll be staying overnight, for instance, you might prefer Crowley Lake, which has its own fishing camp. Crystal Lake, on the other hand, has more of a classic outdoorsy feel, which may appeal to you if you have an appreciation for nature.

Do: Bring the Right Gear

Run through your fishing checklist to make sure you have everything you’ll need for fishing at Mammoth Lakes before you come. At the very least, you’ll want to have the following items with you:

• A fishing pole that’s easy for you to use and handle
• Appropriate bait or lures
• A sun-protective hat and sunscreen
• A packable rain jacket

If you don’t have the space in your car for all the gear you’ll need, simply buy or rent what you need when you get to the area. The town of Mammoth Lakes is full of shops with everything experienced and amateur anglers need.

Don’t: Limit Yourself to the Shore

At many popular lakes here, you can rent a boat at a local marina. This way, you can casually head out to the area where your desired fish are likely to be swimming. Boat fishing is also a relaxing way to take in the panoramic views that are so common in this area as you wait to reel in your catches.

Do: Know When to Go

Most of the lakes popular with anglers in the Mammoth Lakes area are well stocked during fishing season, which is normally from around the end of April through mid-November. However, some catch-and-release fisheries in the area are open year-round. If you plan to keep what you catch, you’ll need to stick within seasonal limitations.

Don’t: Get Attached to Catching Something

It’s great if you get an amazing catch. That being said, there are many factors that can affect the ability to catch your desired fish. You’ll have a much more pleasant time fishing at Mammoth Lakes if you remain flexible and don’t get too caught up in racking up catches. 

If you want to experience some of the best fishing in the state, come to beautiful Mammoth Lakes. No matter which sport brings you to Mammoth, stop by and see the knowledgeable staff at ASO Mammoth. Whether they need fishing gear, mountain biking equipment, or high-quality snowboard rental in Mammoth, visitors can find everything they need at our shop. Drop by on your way to the lakes or give us a call at 760-965-3444.

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