What You Need to Know About HuskyFest 2019

You might not think it due to all the snow still on the ground, but HuskyFest 2019 is just around the corner.

The team at ASO Mammoth is proud to sponsor a hole at this year’s golf tournament and support Mammoth High School’s athletic programs, and we hope that you’ll do the same by playing a round or supporting other sponsors. To help you do so, we’ve put together a quick guide to this year’s event. Check out the guide below and support our local athletes!


Anyone wishing to play a round for a good cause can register to play as an individual or in groups of up to four. Golfers will get 18 holes of golf, a lunch grab bag, and a BBQ meal after the tournament for the price of $130 per individual. Golfers who register in groups of four will only pay $500 as a group for their registration.


HuskyFest is being held at the beautiful Sierra Star Golf Course where you’ll be able to appreciate mountain views and summer air in between strokes.


If you’ve been closely watching the snow melt all spring long so you can knock the dust off your golf bag and play this year, then HuskyFest is the perfect event for you. The event starts at 8:30 am on June 9th , only two days after Sierra Star opens up for the season. That means you can take advantage of the course opening for the season and support a great cause at the same time.


The proceeds from HuskyFest benefit Mammoth High School athletes by providing equipment and travel throughout their respective sports seasons. Mammoth High School fields teams for Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding, baseball, boys’ and girls’ basketball, cheer, cross country, football, Nordic skiing, boys’ and girls’ soccer, softball, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and of course, golf.


To sign up for HuskyFest 2019 or learn about how you can further support the athletes at Mammoth High School through sponsorship opportunities, click here.

We won’t try and tell you how to golf, but we will tell you that Mammoth Lakes’ altitude does affect how you golf in several interesting ways. You’re probably aware that the higher the altitude, the thinner the air is. The result is less resistance and drag for your ball while flying through the air, which makes for extra-long drives and shots from the fairway.

That’s not all though. Since the air is less dense and offers less resistance to your ball there is also less lift. As a result, you can expect more line drive shots with shallow arcs and longer roles than you would at a normal altitude. You’ll also have a harder time shaping your shots as thinner air means less force to slice or hook your shot. Yes, you read that correctly. At high altitudes it is actually easier to hit the ball straight, so if you’re constantly driving into the rough or hazards then HuskyFest could do wonders for your confidence.

Golfers at HuskyFest will need to account for long rolls and direct shots, but not for every shot. Don’t worry about putting extra air under your chip shots as the air density only has a chance to affect your shot when the ball is in the air.

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