The Different Types of Snowboard Bindings and Why They Matter

Skiing and snowboarding have many similarities, but one thing that’s unique to snowboarding is the amount of options available for bindings.

While there are a few different types of ski bindings such as alpine, touring, and telemark bindings, those are all meant for a specific type of skiing as compared to snowboard bindings where you can choose between strap, rear-entry, and step on bindings for resort riding alone. As a result, new and experienced snowboarders alike can be confused about which snowboard binding performs best. To help out, the ASO Mammoth team has broken down each type of snowboard binding here. Check it out below and see which binding fits you best!

Strap Bindings

Whether it’s because they’ve learned in them or they own a pair, most snowboarders have ridden in strap bindings. As the name implies, strap bindings are defined by the ankle and toe strap that buckle down around your boot and attach you to your board.

Strap bindings’ simple design doesn’t mean that your limited to options when it comes to how you use or which ones you can buy. For example, since you can adjust the toe strap’s position on your boot you can apply precise pressure to your toes so you get exactly what you need out of your binding.  Strap bindings are the most common type of binding, which means they also have the most options when it comes to buying options. Just about every manufacture is going to have at least a few strap models, so if you decide that strap bindings are right for you then you’ll have plenty of buying options. Your options don’t end there though, as strap bindings are made for riding bunny hills to the park and just about every backcountry environment you can imagine.

Rear Entry Bindings

 Rear Entry Bindings are the best combination of performance and convenience out of any of the other binding types on this list, so if you’re looking to be the first one ready to ride after getting off the lift then these are for you.

The most popular rear entry bindings are made by Flow, but the design is similar across the board. Rear entry bindings work around adjustable straps that hold your boot into the binding, but unlike regular strap bindings the straps all feed into one wide band that covers from above the toes up to the heel. Rear entry bindings are also different because the back of the binding hinges up and down so that, once down, you can slide your foot underneath the main band which is already set to your foot since the straps are held in place. Once your foot is secure, the back hinges upright and you’re locked into your bindings without ever having to ratchet down any straps or, even worse, remove your gloves to tighten or loosen the straps.

As a result of the convenience, strap bindings are a favorite amongst beginners and seasoned snowboarders alike and are great for riding all over the mountain. However, some riders prefer the control strap bindings provide.

Step-On Bindings

 Step-on bindings are the newest type of binding on this list, but they’re also the most convenient. Step-on bindings are designed to mimic how skiers lock into their bindings with a single step and work as simply as that. While most snowboarders may think riding without some sort of strap over their foot would be strange, after trying step-on bindings many riders find them comfortable and responsive. Step-on bindings are designed mostly by Burton though, so you will be limited in buying them as well as the ideal boots to use them with.

Splitboard Bindings

Lastly, splitboard bindings are designed exclusively for splitboarding.

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