With all the different makes, models, and parts on the mountain bike market, finding exactly what you want can be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
If you’ve looked for a new bike recently, you’ve probably wondered if it would be easier (and cheaper) to just build your own bike exactly how you want it rather than compromising for something you don’t absolutely love. You’re not alone, as cyclists all over the world build and modify their bikes every year whether they’re riding down a mountain or just to work. Building a bike is a major investment of time and money though, so the ASO Mammoth team has put together some facts to consider before you decide whether to buy or build your own bike.
Check out our thoughts below and stop by ASO Mammoth if you need any mountain biking gear, parts, or just have questions!
Building Your Own Bike Will Probably Cost More
Unless you have a way to get parts at wholesale prices or are patient enough to wait for the parts that you need to go on sale, building your own bike will be more expensive than buying one. Plus, you also have to consider your mechanical skill. Unless you’ve built several bikes before, you’re going to make a mistake and may need to buy replacement parts which can make the costs of building a bike balloon even more. Even if you do have a way to get cheap parts that you trust and are happy with, there’s still the matter of buying specialized tools that you will not find in the average tool box.
One of the few exceptions to this rule is if you’re planning on buying a high-end bike with a big price tag. In that case, building your bike may be cheaper but only because you were planning on spending a large amount already.
You Need A Considerable Amount of Skills
While conversations with the pros at your local bike shop and YouTube tutorials will take you a long way, at the end of the day you need a considerable amount of skills and know how to build your own bike. Just knowing which tools you need and how to use them is a challenge on its own.
If you’re determined to learn how to build a bike, then don’t expect the first one you build to be perfect. You will go through a trial and error period on the first bike you build, so whether you’re building your next mountain bike or are just looking for a weekend project take the time to learn so you can limit your mistakes in the future.
Consult with your Local Bike Shop
The people who work at your local bike shop are there for a reason. If you’re thinking about building your own mountain bike run the idea by them first to get a sense of scale for your project.
You may be aware of the major components and tools needed to build a bike, but the bike shop employees will tell you about all the small parts, techniques, and tools you will need to successfully build your bike. Better yet, they may let you use some of the specialized tools that make building a bike prohibitively expensive for free. Whatever you do, run it by them and get a few opinions before you make any decisions. Your local shop may even give you a deal on a new bike once they know you’re on the market.