More Than Rainbow Falls—Here’s the Best Waterfalls in Mammoth

Nearly every family vacation to Mammoth includes two things; Rainbow Falls and Devil’s Postpile.  Although, due some extraordinary snow we had this past winter, these spots are still closed.  Never to worry though, Adventure Sports Outpost has you covered.  We have found the best waterfall spots to enjoy via hiking, backpacking, mountain biking or just adventuring Mammoth.  Read further to see our list of top waterfalls. Twin Falls Overlook- This is one of ASO’s personal favorites!  Just ride you mountain bike up Lake Mary road from the center of town and after about four miles you will come to the twin lakes.  From here you will see a large waterfall in the distance across the lakes.  Simply keep riding along the campgrounds and you will be able to get within feet of this magnificent waterfall.

Horsetail Falls- Heading towards the June Lake loop, Horsetail Falls is part of the beautiful McGee Creek Trail.  The hike, spanning about 3.3 miles  is part of the John Muir Wilderness.  This spot is a top pick as most of the trail guides you between mountain peaks gorgeous scenery.  The waterfall is especially ideal this summer as the water levels are high enough for the waterfall to resemble a horsetail.

Alger Creek Falls- If your looking for a combination of fishing, hiking and waterfall tracking, Alger Creek may be the choice for you.  Alger Creek, just a short distance outside of Mammoth, bodes to a warmer climate being at lower elevation and this year may lend to some better fishing.  Alger Creek, which is also known as Little Rush Creek, highlights its beautiful waterfall over large boulders and is surrounded by trees  in the tightly packed forest which is part of June Lake in Mono County.

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