Can I Wear My Glasses with Ski Goggles?

Skiing is a wonderful sport for people of all ages, and it’s one of the most popular things to do in Mammoth Lakes. While many people enjoy skiing, certain problems may arise. When someone wears glasses, he or she needs to look at the technology of the equipment to figure out the best way to have clear vision while skiing. The team from ASO Mammoth, a top-tier provider of ski equipment and Mammoth snowboard rentals, provides this advice for skiers who use corrective lenses.

Glasses with Goggles

Some people prefer to ski with glasses under their goggles, which is fine if it’s done correctly. One of the most important things skiers can do is buy goggles a size bigger than they need, which will allow plenty of room for their glasses. Having goggles that fit properly over the glasses is important. If the goggles are the wrong fit, they could push the glasses upward or pinch at the nose.


Glasses or goggles fogging up is a big problem when skiing all day. Goggles can fog up even without glasses, and glasses can make the problem worse. The best thing to do is to check your goggles out before purchasing them and ensure they fit close to your face. Another factor is the air vent in the goggles being blocked by other equipment. In addition, covering your mouth and nose in the cold weather can fog your goggles or glasses more quickly. Keep in mind that the temperature changes you experience when you go from outside into the ski lodge or restroom can also create fog.


Many skiers choose to wear contacts. Contact lenses sometimes have a drying effect, and when you’re skiing in cold temperatures, your eyes could become even drier. The best way to use contacts while skiing is to go with single-use contacts. This way, you can get a sports prescription when you’re planning to be active, allowing you to get new lenses every time you ski. Sports contacts have the same UV-blocking technology as goggles and keep your eyes protected. They also keep you comfortable and cut down on the time you spend looking for good goggles and frames.


Using the correct equipment is important for any sport or physical activity. With ski goggles, people who wear glasses have three options. The first is to buy prescription goggles. This option is expensive and requires wearing the goggles to see even while eating lunch or taking a break. The second option is to wear contacts with your goggles. The third option is to wear glasses under your goggles. Before anything else, you must make sure the frames of your glasses are suitable for physical activities. Your glasses shouldn’t move or slide when you move around. Make sure the goggles and glasses don’t touch. Check your gear beforehand by ensuring the goggles, glasses, and ski helmet work together.

By following the simple tips listed above, you’ll be on the way to a safe and enjoyable day of seeing well while you ski at your favorite resort. If you need more advice about equipment, the latest in snow gear, or snowboard or ski rentals in Mammoth, ASO Mammoth is the place to go. Drop by and see us when you get to the mountain or give us a call at 760-965-3444.

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