Tips for Getting Creative on Your Skis

Getting creative is a big part of the skiing experience for many fans of this particular sport. At the same time, you want to be careful about how far you push yourself with what you do while skiing to stay safe and avoid injuries. Fortunately, there are some ways you can find a happy medium and get more creative as you ski. Keep reading to learn more about what you can do to ski creatively, brought to you by the snow sports experts from ASO Mammoth, a premier provider of snowboard and ski rental in Mammoth.

Practice as You Prepare to Try New Things

“Practice makes perfect” isn’t just a saying without some merit to it. Practice is, in fact, what makes it possible to try new creative things as you ski. If you want to learn how to ski around trees, brush up on your ability to manage twists and turns with increased stability and accuracy. After practicing, you’ll be more likely to handle working your way around trees and other natural obstacles.

Keep Your Speed Slow at First

Let’s say you want to try some buttering, which is when you use the flex pattern of your skis to briefly lift off the ground while spinning at the same time. When first learning to do something like this, keep your speed slower. What this does is allow you to focus more on technique and form. Once you gain confidence, add more speed. With buttering, you’ll be rewarded with more “pop” for your efforts.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Improve your ability to get creative as you ski by stepping out of your comfort zone to some extent. This is something you can do by getting out of the beginner area after you’ve had time to learn and practice and try out some of the intermediate-level ski areas. And if you see a line or cliff band that appeals to you, don’t shy away from giving it a try. Besides, it’s okay if you fall or have some initial difficulty. You’ll get better in time and gain more confidence, too.

Build on the Basics

The basics of skiing can be used as a jumping-off point for more creative skiing. Once you’ve mastered the art of doing things like taking off, landing, gliding, doing a wedge turn, and maneuvering uphill, build on what you’ve learned to try some creative tricks, turns, and moves.

Be Patient

Finally, realize it will take some time to learn how to successfully do something like spin uphill in the opposite direction of the fall line, so don’t get discouraged if you lose your balance or fall while learning how to do an alley-oop or other creative skiing moves.

Skiing creatively can be a great rush, but make sure to do it safely and use the proper equipment. Drop by ASO Mammoth for weather forecasts, avalanche information, safety tips from the experts, and Mammoth ski rentals. We can fit you out with everything you need to ski safely. Stop by when you’re on the mountain or give us a call at 760-965-3444.