Most Common Beginner Skier Mistakes & How to Correct Them

You’ll have a tough time finding anyone who loves skiing and snowboarding as much as the team at ASO Mammoth, but we can admit that learning how can be a nightmare.

It’s easy to forget that skiing and snowboarding requires balance that is tough to master by doing anything else. Add in the fact that learning and falling go hand in hand, which means falling into cold, wet snow over and over again, and you can see why many people get put off by the learning curve. We promise you learning to ski or snowboard is worth it though, and to give you an upper hand the ASO Mammoth Team has written up a few tips to help you get your feet under you faster. Today, we are focusing on common mistakes beginner skiers make and their solutions. Check it out below!

Rushing Your Turns

After you figure out how to use your edges with the classic pizza technique, you’ll want to learn how to make turns. Many beginners make the mistake of rushing their turns because they’re uncomfortable riding on their edges, so they end up rushing their turns. Think of the shape you make when turning. An incorrect turn would look like a v on its side (<) because the skier rushed their turn and kicked their back around too quickly. Even though it may feel like you’re making good turns, rushed turns are poor technique and if you let them become a habit they will hold back your riding.

You want your turns to be rounded (like a c) so you can go through the entire motion of making a turn and build your technique upon a solid foundation. If you struggle with making rounded turns, follow the path of whoever is teaching you and try to make the same turns as they do to get it down.

Putting Your Weight on The Wrong Foot

Another mistake beginner skiers make when turning is putting their weight on the wrong foot. Once you make your turn and are traversing the slope, you may be tempted to put your weight on your uphill, or inside, foot since it is further up the slope and easier to lean on. In reality though, putting your weight on your uphill foot while turning will throw you off balance and prevent you from being able to absorb bumps and shocks well.

It will feel unnatural to put your weight on your downhill foot until you are comfortable making turns, so keep your balance by leaning your shoulders downhill and forcing more weight on your downhill foot while turning. This may feel unnatural at first, but learning to use your downhill foot while turning is vital to forming correct techniques.

Skiing With Your Poles Out of Position

Since poles are a part of turning, it makes since that beginner skiers have trouble with using them. That’s why you’ll see many ski school instructors have their learners ski without their poles while making their first turns. After you’ve mastered the basics of turning and are ready to ride with your poles, you may find yourself pointing them directly behind you, in front of you, or even at two different angles as you try to balance.

The ideal position for your ski poles is pointed behind you, with your hands and wrists in front of you, and the tips of your poles in no danger of touching the ground. While the pole tips should be clear of the ground, they should be angled towards the ground and not pointing straight behind you. You may need to make a conscious effort at first, but as you progress this position will become natural. We promise! For all of your ski and snowboard rentals, tips, and gear needs, stop by ASO Mammoth today!

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