Beer. Blues. Summer. Check Out Bluesapalooza and the Festival of Beers in Mammoth

While there are summer events nearly every weekend in Mammoth, this coming week may be everyone’s top pick. The Festival of Beers and Bluesapalooza kicks off next week running August 3rd-6th.  With over 80 craft breweries and more than 20 bands. Read further for event details and promotions during the weekend festivities.

Like any trip to Mammoth, no adventure is complete without some hiking, backpacking, mountain biking and fishing.  Here at Adventure Sports Outpost we think you should do all of these things while also checking out some awesome bands and local beer.

Starting at 5p.m. on August 3rd the fest kicks off with Beyond Blues. Our suggestion for Thursday is to rent mountain bikes at Adventure Sports Outpost for the best deals in town, and take the trolley to the Mammoth Mountain Bike Park during the day before kicking back in the evening with some blues and beer. This is the best day to beat the crowds at the bike park.

On Friday August 4th, Rock n’ Blues will take the stage until 10p.m. We recommend also missing the weekend crowds by checking out Rainbow Falls and Devil’s Postpile National Monument. This five-mile hike to a 100 foot waterfall is the perfect way to adventure Mammoth before the show.

Saturday kicks off the official start of Bluesapalooza and the beer tasting.  With the festival starting around lunch time, we recommend getting a early start and renting a mountain bike or my personal favorite… an electric bike, and cruising up Lake Mary Road to the twin lakes. This short ride will take you along majestic cliffs to crystal clear lakes and sweeping hillsides. Come back down late morning just in time to enjoy the beer and blues!

Finally Sunday, August 6th rounds up the event with ‘Soulful Sunday.’  Starting again at lunch time, our top pick is to mountain bike the town loop in the early morning.  This loop will take you past Mammoth Creek and to views over looking the Eastern Sierra Valley.  After you ride and check out the soulful sounds don’t forget to head to the Mammoth Brewing Company tasting room for the Bluesapalooza after party!

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