Have you ever thought about skiing in the morning then attending a summer music festival in the afternoon? If you have, it was probably in your dreams. However, this June exactly that will be possible in Mammoth Lakes.
Check out our list of the best Mammoth Lakes events below to see what we mean. Then, visit the ASO Mammoth shop to find the best outdoor gear and rentals in Mammoth Lakes!
World Quarterpipe Championships Jun 3 11:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Mammoth Mountain’s record-breaking snowfall allows skiing and snowboarding to go well into summer this year. As a result, anyone can ski and snowboard this June as long as they don’t mind slushy snow.
They can also watch the World Quarterpipe Championships happening at Mammoth Mountain! Pro participants will hit a 28 foot quarterpipe to compete for 1st place while spectators cheer them on, so don’t miss this event!
Mammoth Feel Good Festival June 16 – June 17
When summer temperatures hit Mammoth Lakes, the locals come out to enjoy the good weather and good company. Accordingly, the Mammoth Feel Good Festival builds on that spirit by having local acts play a free festival right in the heart of Mammoth Lakes!
Enjoy music in The Village after a day on the snow or trails!
Village Summer Jam June 23 – 24
The music won’t be over thanks to the Village Summer Jam!
The Village Summer Jam is another free music festival happening in The Village this June. Check it out after a day of exploring Mammoth’s pristine wilderness or after enjoying a relaxing day at your lodging.
No matter what you do before the festival, you’ll have an easy time getting to the Summer Jam since it’s in The Village and full of great music!