Basic Tips for Lake Fishing

Fishing is definitely an activity to consider when visiting a scenic location like the Mammoth Lakes Basin. Whether you prefer to fish at the popular Twin Lakes, the sprawling Lake Mary, or the smaller Lake Mamie, you may be wondering just how to go about catching a fish in one of these lakes—or any lake, for that matter, if you’re not a seasoned angler. Here are a few tips for lake fishing, brought to you by the friendly folks at ASO Mammoth, your year-round one-stop shop for everything from fishing equipment and licenses to Mammoth bike rentals.

Look for a Comfortable, Cool Spot

Fish are like people in that they like cool, comfortable spots. Fortunately, Mammoth Lakes is a region where temperatures are generally comfortable during the fishing season, which runs from late April through mid-November. In fact, you should be able to fish right from the shore without too much difficulty. If you’re in doubt about where to set up, look for spots where other anglers tend to gather or get some tips from the people who run local shops.

Choose the Right Bait

Experiment with bait to see what works best for you. Crickets, worms, minnows, and leeches are common choices for lake fishing. Mammoth Lakes has an assortment of bait and tackle shops in the area if you want to give live bait a try. Artificial lures can be used as well, since they can be used to catch any type of freshwater fish.

Try Float Tubes

If you opt for one of the smaller lakes in the Mammoth Lakes area, try one of the float tubes. You should be able to rent one from a boat rental shop, since each lake has at least one. What’s also good about these tubes is that they literally put you directly where the fish are in a way that’s safe and comfortable.

Pay Attention to the Wind

On days when it’s especially windy, watch for how the wind blows the bait fish in the area. This is a good way to catch bigger fish, since the larger fish will follow the bait fish they like to eat. In turn, you can boost your odds of catching bigger fish you can brag to your friends about.

Know What Fish Are Common in Your Preferred Lake

You’ll be more likely to catch fish in a lake if you know in advance what type of fish are common in your preferred lake. For instance, the Mammoth Lakes Basin is stocked primarily with rainbow, brown, and brook trout. Once you know the fish that are common in your preferred lake, focus on what works best for a certain fish species. With trout, sinkers, swivels, hooks, and bobbers will serve you well. Fly fishing is another great way to catch trout. Other types of fish common in the Mammoth Lakes area include:

• Owens suckers – They love insects, so try artificial flies for bait
• Smallmouth bass – These fish are more likely to be in shallow waters in the spring
• Perch – These fish are typically found at Crowley Lake and are more common in the late spring and summer

If you want to experience some of the best fishing in the state, come to beautiful Mammoth Lakes. No matter which sport brings you to Mammoth, stop by and see the knowledgeable staff at ASO Mammoth. Whether they need fishing gear, mountain biking equipment, or high-quality snowboard rental, Mammoth visitors can find everything they need at our shop. Drop by on your way to the lake or give us a call at 760-965-3444.

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