There aren’t many downsides to having dozens upon dozens of beautiful hiking and backpacking trails in your backyard like we do here in Mammoth Lakes. If you’re visiting Mammoth you won’t be able to do them all though, which means you’ll need to choose the best hikes for you.
Make the most of your time by choosing the best day hikes in Mammoth Lakes. We’ve listed them below so you can find the right one for you. Check it out, then stop by the ASO Mammoth shop for the best outdoor gear and rentals in Mammoth Lakes!
You don’t have to go far to find beautiful hikes in Mammoth Lakes, and the trail leading to Duck Pass proves it.
The trail leading to Duck Pass begins near Coldwater Campground in the Lakes Basin, which means it’s just outside of Mammoth Lakes and easily accessible by car during the summer and fall. From there, you’ll hike past several lakes and stunning views until you reach Duck Lake where you’ll enjoy the most beautiful view of all.
With the number of beautiful views and the elevation gain, it’s best to plan extra time for this hike so you get to enjoy every step!
You don’t have to wear yourself out to enjoy a beautiful view while in Mammoth Lakes. Minaret Vista is a great option for people who are still acclimating to the elevation or don’t have time for a full day’s hike.
In fact, Minaret Vista can even be driven to if you want to enjoy the view but can’t hike. There are a few different trails that lead to Minaret Vista, and like the other trails on this list they will be covered in deep snow once winter and spring roll around.
Just like Duck Pass, the trail leading to Barret and TJ Lake begins in the Lakes Basin. However, it also is shorter and easier than those leading to Duck Pass. The trail begins near the Lake George Campground and from there goes to Barret Lake.
From Barret Lake, you’ll have the choice to continue onto another loop trail that passes TJ Lake if you haven’t had enough hiking yet!
Sky Meadows is another excellent hike beginning in the Lakes Basin that runs near beautiful natural waters and views.
Hikers will enjoy meadows as the name implies, but they’ll also hike alongside a peaceful creek with stunning views. Depending on the time of year, you may even see a waterfall along the Sky Meadows trail!
For all trails, please remember to pace yourself and to drink plenty of water before and during your hike. Mammoth’s elevation makes your body work harder, especially when doing physical activity like hiking.
Lastly, pack out whatever you pack in. These trails will see thousands of hikers over a year, so it’s important that everyone who visits them leaves no trace of their visit for future hikers!