Calves Sore from Skiing?

Skiing and snowboarding may look effortless when done well, but the truth is that both are physically rigorous.

For some, that means a little soreness the morning after a day on the snow. For others, that means sharp pain in their calves after only a few hours of skiing or snowboarding. We want everyone to love skiing and snowboarding at Mammoth Mountain, so we’ve put together a quick list of tips for calves sore from skiing and snowboarding.

Check it out so you can stay on the snow for longer. Then visit ASO Mammoth for the best ski and snowboard rentals in Mammoth Lakes!

Stretch and Foam Roll Before and During Your Trip

Skiing after a long break away from the snow? Snowboarding for your 30th day of the season? It doesn’t matter, stretching before you ski or snowboard will help soreness and keep you on the snow for longer.

Stretching is especially important if you’re hitting the slopes after not skiing or snowboarding for a long time. You shouldn’t only stretch in preparation for your trip either. Stretching before and after being on the snow makes a huge difference in how you recover.

One of the best ways to stretch your calves is by rolling them out with a foam roller. Using a foam roller may hurt if you’re already sore, but it will help your calves recover for the next day!

Adjust Boot Tightness to Find Your Perfect Fit

Ski and snowboard boots are very different, but both need to be adjusted to fit your feet and ankles perfectly.

One of the easiest ways to find the perfect fit for your boot is by adjusting how tight the inner liner and outer shell/layer are. If your boots are too loose, then your calves will be working overtime to keep you balanced. Too tight, and they won’t be able to properly stretch and contract.

Everyone is different, so you must adjust your boots until you find the perfect fit.

Adjust DIN Settings on Skis

For skis specifically, you can try adjusting your DIN settings to see if that helps your sore calves. Be careful with how far you adjust them though, because high and low DIN settings can be dangerous while skiing.

Pay Attention to Your Edge on a Snowboard 

If you’re snowboarding and riding your toe side edge far more than your heel edge then you can quickly wear out your calves.

It’s easy to stick to one type of riding when you’re comfortable with it, but if it’s overworking one part of your body then you need to change it up. Try to work your heel side edge just as much as your toe edge if you’re having calf pain.

Visit a Boot Fitter for Recurring Issues

If none of the above works then you can visit a boot fitter to dial in your ski or snowboard boot fit. Simple changes can make a huge difference in how comfortable your calves are, so the extra work is always worth it!